What is EECP

EECP is the short name of “Enhanced external counterpulsation”.

“Enhanced” refers to the equipment that has evolved over decades or research and development to become the state-of-the-art treatment delivery system now used in EECP treatment centers.

“External” means treatment happens outside of your body and doesn’t require surgery.


Before we can understand the term “Counterpulsation,” we have to understand the cardiac cycle, the period from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next. The cardiac cycle includes diastole when the heart relaxes and fills with blood, and systole when the heart contracts and pumps blood out to the body


The EECP system compresses your lower limbs to increase blood flow toward your heart. Each wave of pressure is electronically timed to your heartbeat, so that the increased blood flow is delivered to your heart at the precise moment it is relaxing. When the heart pumps again, pressure is released instantaneously. This lowers resistance in the blood vessels of your legs so the blood may be pumped more easily from the heart.

The EECP system pumps when your heart is resting and releases pressure when your heart is pumping(working).EECP just like an external natural heart.Decreasing the amount of work required of your heart muscle.


EECP is an outpatient treatment for patients suffering from chest pain and poor heart function,it’s a noninvasive non-surgical no side effect treatment for angina.EECP develops new pathways around blocked arteries in the heart which become “natural bypass” that helps increase and normalize blood flow to the heart muscle and it will relieve angina.

The treatment schedule includes 7 weeks of continuous treatments, which require daily visits for one hour, Monday through Friday.

You can know more info at eecpcn.com.

Chinese and European styles of wooden windows

Northern China’s wooden windows are ethereal, the ones in the south garden are elegance ,and northwest residential windows are calm. They all reveal strong geographical characteristics and varied folk customs.

Suzhou gardens, for example, contain the empty window designs, half-windows, long windows, screens, branched-off windows, grilles and other styles.

European styles of wooden windows supplier
European styles of wooden windows supplier

Wooden windows of European churches have dome skylight, magnificent and stately, make people like exposure under the sky. Colorful rose windows make magnificent Gothic buildings increase gorgeous and mysterious feeling.

Each window style reveal happiness of life. There will be warm smile indoors, and colorful world outside. Open the windows and let some fresh air in, and admire spring, enjoy sing life with unlimited pleasure.

Buy kinds of wooden windows at kdsbuilding.com.

American aluminium sash window in widespread application

In building industry ,American aluminium sash windows adopt the style of pulling down and pushing up, unlike traditional styles as inside opening, outside opening and sliding. This kind of windows is mainly popular in North America,and  it is also known as the American sash windows.

The windows generally use thermal break technology with plastic injection, unlike European-style bridge wear strip technology. Their hardware concludes heavy lifting rod hardware.

aluminium sash window suppliers
aluminium sash window suppliers

It is well known that aluminium sash window have excellent performance of energy-saving, insulation, dust-proof, noise-proof and wind-proof. And they also have beautiful lines and wide view angle. While open, windows never touch and hurt human body. And their frame are encased to avoid no risk of human falling. So, the safety factor is excellent.

Pulling up and down vertically to open, so that the window have its force focused on the sash of the window frame and the wall. Their load is much less than the casement window. And it is reasonable to narrow the cross-sectional profiles, saving materials, reduce costs, while perspective rate also reased.

Therefore, they are widely used in high-rise buildings in North America. Buy top aluminium sash windows with good reviews at kdsbuilding.com.

Double blind window shutters vs. single window shutters

Let us learn the differences between double blind window shutters and single ones.

Double blind window shutters

As rainproof need for ventilation, insulation and ventilation of room or other public places, double blind window shutters are needed. This kind of windows are combined by streamlined adjusting blades with rain dripping leaves and side frames with dripping case.

They not only have the advantages of single window shutters, but also can regulate room temperature or ventilation. They brings out to be flexible, reliable, year-round operation without lubrication, quiet and have good sealing performance.

blind window shutters suppliers-kdsbuilding
blind window shutters suppliers-kdsbuilding

Single window shutters

Shutters with single deign usually applied for environmental needs of lighting, heat-insulation, wind-proof, rain-proof ,in engine rooms, offices or other relevant occasions.

They consist of streamlined blade and side frames, plus outer protective nets and inside screen. So that to ensure that indoor air is fresh, and birds and insects or other buoyant objects not fly into the room. Then a relaxed and happy working and living environment will be shaped.

Buy kinds of blind window shutters at kdsbuilding.com.